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Sabellar. White clay mobile. Wall decoration
Sabellar. White clay mobile. Wall decoration
Sabellar. White clay mobile. Wall decoration
Sabellar. White clay mobile. Wall decoration

Clay mobile – The Magic Catcher

Regular price €59.00 Sale price €41.00

Origin Material Manufacturing time
4 days

At Sabellar we always look to the past to better understand what we are today and where we want to go. Hence, when we decided to create a mobile, a kind of an amulet for our home, we looked for two artisans that shared the same philosophy. Raquel and Pedro are two young artisans based in Valencia (Spain). They create ceramics, but also jewelry and photography. They get inspiration from deep in the past, the ancestral past. Their creations evoke an ancient age, an age of myths, of rudimentary tools, of nomad people…

“We started working together soon after we met. We understood instantly that our personal development grew faster when we interacted together. It’s always enriching and rewarding to have an extra brain and an extra pair of eyes when you are immersed in creative processes”, Raquel and Pedro tell us their story.

It is not by chance that we bring to you this mobile/amulet so close to Christmas. Although at Sabellar we want to go beyond that. We think that magic should be timeless and we have to search it daily in the most mundane and small things. That’s why, when working on the design, we looked to ancestral techniques for inspiration.

“We know that our ancestors had a deeply rooted relation with magic. They thought that their amulets guaranteed good hunts and harvests, health and prosperity for their people. We try to recover the rudimentary way in which this objects were built, with cords and volumetric pieces made of clay”, they explain.

Raquel and Pedro got inspiration from the culture of campaniform ceramics, typical of the Bronze Age in the Iberian peninsula. Nothing is left to chance in this amulet. It is one of our favourite objects of the Sabellar selection.

All the creation process took them four days of work. The ceramic of our amulet is made of fireclayed high-temperature stoneware. The white enamel has also been created from scratch by Raquel and Pedro. 

They have a very personal approach to their art: “Ceramic means waiting. Waiting for it to dry, waiting for it to bake, waiting for it to cool… It is important to value these waitings times and know how to manage and enjoy them”. We couldn’t agree more.

Put it on your hall, as a sign of good omen. Or hang it in the corner of your bedroom, where it could catch a ray of sunshine. Let it project the protective glaze of the originals. 

Measurements: 51 cm.


Handle the cords with clean hands so you don’t soil them. To remove the dust just use a duster. For the ceramics, use a cloth moistened with water then wrung well, and wipe gently to clean. Be sure that you put it in a place where it can not be hit by other objects.